Wednesday, April 1, 2009


This is embarrassing to admit, but I have been saying 'rabbit-rabbit' as my first words every month since I was in the sixth grade. I hope my DH doesn't read this post and start wondering if he should just go ahead and have me committed now. You see, my math teacher back then was a very superstitious Greek woman who happened to mention one day that the first words you are supposed to utter before any others on the first day of every month are 'rabbit-rabbit'. Now, while I clearly remember these very important instructions... I have absolutely no memory as to why. What did she say would happen if I didn't? What? WHAT?! [insert industrious, super-thinking look here] Nope. No recollection whatsoever.

Considering that little tidbit of advice came to me nearly thirty years ago now, I am quite certain I've messed up and said something as useless as 'good morning' before remembering to say the magical, mystical... and, let's face it, nonsensical... words 'rabbit-rabbit' at some point during those years. And, as far as I can tell, I am still alive to talk about it. But I'm no needless risk taker, so...


Ahhhhhhh... safe for another month!

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