Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter... Bunny?

DD got her Easter surprise a day early: a new hamster. And, to commemorate the occasion for which she got it, the hamster is named... Bunny.

Already, the cutsie-ness of the name has gotten some mileage. Like when DD called DH and thanked him for the present. Mind you, I hadn't quite mentioned to him what I had planned... guess that would have been advisable.

Anyhoo, the call went a little bit like this:

*ring ring*

DH: Hello?

DD: Thank you for my Bunny!

DH: Huh? Uh... okay?

DD: Haha! It's not a bunny... it's a hamster named Bunny!

DH: Ohhhhh. Um. Well. You're welcome?

[insert lots of giggling and smiles here]

She got quite a kick out of confusing the daylights out of DH. He came home right after that to see this 'Bunny' for himself.

What I did not anticipate, however, is how fun it was going to be watching our dogs watch the hamster. We put the cage right on the floor so they could see Bunny running around in her wheel and climbing around in the tubes of the cage. We are pretty sure our middle dog, Rosie, thinks the hamster is a squeaker toy that moves all on it's own. Hot-DIGGITY-dog!

I don't think the other Easter bunny is going to be able to top this 'Easter Bunny'...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for posting our Wild Olive Tees button. You have been entered into our giveaway once. (btw- you can get 4 more entries by doing a post with a link!)

    And congrats on the 18 lbs. (I'm giving you that extra one!)

