Sunday, March 29, 2009

March Madness

One aspect of living in Small Town that I'm still trying to get used to is the collegiate spirit that oozes out of pretty much everyone in town. It isn't hard to figure out what college a person has attended because nearly everyone wears collegiate-inspired clothing, uses checks with their college team emblazoned on them, or they have these odd tombstone-looking plaques in their front yards with their college logo carved onto them. It's commonplace to walk into someones office or home and be assaulted by an explosion of either purple or red and blue. Even driving down main street, you see license plate frames, front vanity plates or even those little antennae balls and you just know. You know. You'd have to be blind not to. It's fanatical, really.

But, it's foreign to me. In Big Suburbia we had every professional sports team you could think of, and that's what was televised and talked about. Even then, people were rarely so fanatical that you knew what teams they rooted for or even what sports they watched. And it was pretty much unheard of to know what college someone attended. It just wasn't talked about. It was almost... taboo.

But here in Small Town, we are deep in the midst of March Madness. I'd never even heard of March Madness before we moved here. Not really. But I'm learning. I've learned what a 'bracket' is and how to fill one out. Maybe I'm evolving. Integrating into Small Town a little bit more.


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