Saturday, May 2, 2009

Most... Disturbing.

In a strange twist of fate, my DH has suddenly decided he loves sushi. Not the raw fish variety, or even the cooked eel or octopus kind either... but the quest for a good California roll has become a slight obsession for him over the last few weeks.

The hard part is... well... we don't live anywhere near sushi. Sushi is unheard of in Small Town. It's like the proverbial red-headed stepchild of the food world here. I must confess... we have actually resorted to eating Schwan's frozen sushi, and that's just wrong. So, so very wrong.

After being inspired to try and make our own sushi rolls, we headed to an Asian market in the next town over. Keep in mind, I don't like to go anywhere new. Ever. Seriously. The fact that DH talked me into going to this store in the first place is next to a miracle. Seriously. But it was our only option to track down a sushi mat without ordering off the internet or waiting until our next trip to Big Suburbia... but did I mention DH's obsession? Yeah, there would be no waiting.

So, we walked into the store. My first thought was, "What the hell is that smell?!" It was somewhere between sweat socks and rotten food. Or both. No exaggeration. Had I been alone, I would have left before the door had a chance to close behind me. It was baaaad.

Have I mentioned... his obsession? There was no leaving. Not yet, anyway.

I was amazed at the strange and exotic items they carried. Maybe 'amazed' isn't the right word. Alarmed might be a better word. Yeah... let's go with alarmed.

But we persevered and were able to find a sushi mat. In fact, we bought two... you know, just in case something happened to the first one... then we'd never have to go back. Good plan.

But it wasn't until we were at the register getting ready to pay that we saw the most disturbing thing I think I've ever seen in a store: panties in Ziploc baggies up in the display case by the register.

Panties. In Ziplocs.

Had the sushi mats not been fully (and safely) sealed in their packages, we would have dropped them and ran. RAN, I tell you!

But, did I mention the obsession?

Well, obsessed or not, for some unexplained reason we lost our appetite for sushi tonight. With any luck, the visual of those Ziploced panties will fade before we reach for those sushi mats.

I hope.

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