I'd like to think that one day I will grow up and not let snarky comments ruin my day. Someday soon... like maybe tomorrow.
I always thought grown ups were... oh, I don't know... more grown up or something. I always thought that I would eventually reach some sort of milestone and a magical switch would be flipped, and then all my insecurities would vanish. If there is such a thing, I am still waiting.
The funny thing is, the only reason people can ruin my day is that I let them ruin my day. I'm quite sure the person who was snotty, snarky, and downright bitchy with me today didn't even think twice about the comment that was made... but here I am, five hours later mind you, still hurt and upset. What, I ask you, is wrong with this picture? I sure can be an oversensitive ninny, can't I. Drama. Drama. Drama.
Sometimes I have flashbacks to elementary school... when I would eat my lunch at a table all by myself in the lunchroom, or would go sit on the far side of the playground and watch the other kids while they played during recess. I was the short, chubby girl that didn't fit in no matter how hard I tried. Inexplicably, even after all these years, it's days like this that I still feel like that lonesome little odd-girl-out.
Whew! All this... this... this drama from one, off-handed, mean remark?
Yep. It's definitely time for a chocolate intervention.
Thanks for listening... err... reading.
*hugs* I'm sorry people can be such jerks. :(